Monday 6 December 2010

Titles for our film.

We are now going to write down a few titles for our film and then choose the best one.

  • Un-masked
  • hidden
  • face lift
  • featureless
  • behind the eyes

Monday 22 November 2010


Lauren has suggested to have the location in a woods. We have two possible woods. The first woods is TESCO's woods and the second woods is in ashtead. We feel this location of a woods would work really well as its a rural place. Their is also a bridge at tesco woods so if we choose to shoot at this location then it might come in handy to our storyline. Lauren emma and sophie will be going down tescos and taking pictures of tesco woods, so when they have been taken they will be blogged about.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Final film idea's.

For our final film we have decided to do filming in the style of 'the blair witch project'. So for this we will be using the effect of handheld camera. We will be filming most if not all of the footage at night. I will blog picture's of the location when my group have decided where we are going to film.

Monday 8 November 2010

Horror Posters.

 This is the poster for A Nightmare on Elm Street.
This is a really good poster because it draw's you in. The way they have placed the villan as the main image on the poster. It really stand's out. The colour of the title being red also could represent the colour of blood, being a horror. It also has lyrics on the top that are involved to create tention.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Evil dead 2 opening analysis

At the begining of Evil dead they are telling a story about a 'book of the dead'. You no by this that the book is going to be the main part of the story. Their is only slow music when the titles are being displayed and at the begining, when their is a narrator telling us the story about the book. They show a location shot, which shows the cottage. This cottage is all on its own. Their is only two people in the story so far and one of them is unsure about staying their. This immediatly makes you feel uncomfortable about whats going to happen next. Then one of the characters finds a tape recorder, and starts to play whats on it. Then when the tape is playing you get flashbacks of the story from the tape. In the flashback you see that they find the book that was being talked about at the begining, from this you no that something bad is going to happen or has already happend and its going to unravel.
Whilst the tape is playing it cuts to someone or something coming towards the cottage. But you no that its not a good thing as its from their point of veiw and their breathing really heavily. But from this they have used the handheld camera effect, and their have added scary music when you see them walking fast towards the cottage. It then shows the women being possed and evil and starts to attack the man. He kills her and then buries her in the garden, and puts a giant cross made of sticks over where he had buried her. Then it shows it on the creature going really fast towards the cottage again throught the house and out towards the man. It then attacks the man and takes him through the sky untill he hits a tree. He then falls in a puddle of muddy water. When he lifts his head out of the water he is also possesed. But when the sun comes out he holds his hand towards his face and screams, you then see smoke dissapering. He then stands up and looks around. It then cuts to the cottage, and the demon/creature starts talking, so you no now that the house is evil, and not to go in their. This opening scene shows the story unfolding already. It really draws you into it as you want to no whats going to happen to the only character left alive.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Camera movements

I think that for our final idea we are going to use a hand held camera, to really give the hand shaking at night time effect to make it more realistic.

Horror locations with pictures

Here is a few picture's that give me ideas about the were we should film our idea.

 This picture represents, night time with only the light of the moon. Gives the effect of everything else being dark.

 I like this picture because noone feels safe walking down alley ways at night because you can very rarely see the end. And just the feel that watching someone walk down an alley way at night gives tention about what might happen.

Horror ideas

In one of our lessons my group were discussing a few ideas for our final piece. And i think that we might use it in our final piece as i can just imagine it being like that in a proper horror film. The idea was one of us is walking either on the road or path near a few lights and then all of a sudden they hear a noise and look back but their is noone their. But to make this even more effective we would have a handheld camera following them and then when they look back the camera angle is over their shoulder or a location shot showing what shes looking at. But their would be nothing their. This idea sounds typical horror, thats why i feel that it works.

Thing's that might be included..

Ok so the things that might be inclued in our horror film.

Scary noises
Heavy breathing
Tilted camera movements
Night time
Very little light
Spooky music at the start. Possibly played slow or fast depending on the storyline

These are things that are very common in horror films. I feel that without at least one of these its not really fully a horror.

Horror locations

I am thinking that the best location's for our horror would be somewere dark, outside in a rural area. This would mean that we would have plenty of room to film in. But their would have to be a few flood light's on so you can see the character/s. When we have decided more on what type of horror we want to do, i will blog more about camera movements.

Things that are most common in a horror.

Strange noises outside that you should not check out but you do.
Alot of running around a massive house.
When the atmosphere get's quite, you no the 'killer is behind you'
Blood and violence.
Creeky door's that lead to empty places. Do not enter them!
Bad things happen at night.
Car's break down.
Rural settings.
Dead people pop up alot in random places.
When your asleep, your most likely to die.
When your drunk your sure to die.

Typical Horror...

Here is a few lists of horror films and their story lines.

The Ring- An evil child that starts of nice, created a evil video tape that will kill people in 7 days after watching it.

The Grudge- A young boy is possesed and kills people.

The Exorcist- A young girl is possesed by an evil devil spirit, and will kill anyone that get's near her.

These three horror films have one thing in common. They all involve a child that is evil. These films are quite common.

Another media lesson.

In my last media lesson we was given a sheet about Joe Queenan's guide to horror film cliches. This tells us all about what is common and what to exspect in a horror film. We had to underline the most inportant parts of the paragraphs. This should help us when we start to decide what to put in our horror film.

Opening of Misery

I am going to anylyse the opening of Misery.

At the begining with no music, just the sound of a type writer. Then the main character reading what he has just typed up. Then the music starts, it starts of slow and quite and then when he lights a ciggarette, the music gets abit louder then stops. It then cuts to him getting snow of his car and throwing a snowball. This gets the veiwers confused as its not the normal opening to a horror. Its day time and day time isnt as scary as if it was night time. But then it goes to him driving the car and that's when the music plays. The music is very fast and cheery. But then the setting of having the only place in the middle of nowere, slightly change's it as noone else is around but him. The tention slightly builds when the snow is pouring down heavily and the car window is getting covered and it's slowly getting dark outside. Then his car suddenly goes of the edge of a cliff. Then the music stops and all you can hear is the sound of the snow blowing through the wind.

It then cuts to him sitting in an office with a women talking about 'misery'. This confuses you as youve just seen him go over the edge in a car. But then you no its a flash back as it cuts back to the car. Its slowly getting the story line out in parts. You then see someone rescuing him from the car. You immediatly no that something is wrong about it as he was in the middle of nowere and someone suddenly appears and gets him out of the car, puts the folder he had in their pocket and take him somewere. Now he is laying in a bed, and a women starts talking to him. It then goes onto an establishing shot of where he must be. It's like a small cottage. You no that their must be something wrong with this because their was no houses around. Their is slow quite music playing. This film is very slow into getting the story out but when it does unravell it get's really interesting.

The Shining opening

I am going to analyse the opening minute's of The Shining

The first few seconds of it is really slow. The music that is being played at the begining is really slow to. This builds tentions as to what is going to happen next. The first few minute's it's just following a car. This really question's the reader as to why is it focusing on a car? Where is that car going? What is the relevance of it? When the camera is following the car it's tilted.And when it get's nearer to the car the camera goes back to being straight. When the title's start to roll, the music start's to get louder and more eary. It also changes at that point and then slowly get's back to the same music from the start. It then shows a hotel. the music change's to what sounds like women screaming. This builds more tention to why its focusing on the hotel.

It follows the main character round, and then cuts to a mother and her son talking about moving somewhere. Then back to the main character talking about him taking a job where is now. They then start to talk about the past. He says that a man came here with his wife and two children, and must have suffered some kind of mental breakdown and killed his family with an axe. This gives you the idea that something similar is going to happen to him. You no immediatly that he is still going to go ahead with staying their, even after hearing that. It cuts back to his family in their home and his son is talking to himself in the mirror, and has a flashback of blood pouring from lifts, and two twins, that youd take as the two children that were murdered by their dad. Then it's the son talking to a women as he must have passed out.

Horror Film Research

For my groups final piece, we have decided to do a horror. So i am going to research a list of horror films.

Psycho (1960)
The Alien (1979)
The Shining (1980)
Les Diaboliques (1955)
The Thing (1982)
The Exorcist (1973)
Saw (2004)

Wednesday 20 October 2010

The Exorcist - opening scene.

In the opening its quite a dark scenery. Starts of outside at night time on a house with only lamp lights on outside the house. Then it goes onto a place that looks abit like Egypt. Doing this makes you question why they have gone from something spooky and quite to something loud and in daylight and hot. They find something and then it cuts back to darkness and back to the home.

Film genre's.

Their are many film genres.

chic flik

In my group we have chosen to focus on horror, for our final piece.

Preliminary Task.

In my group we decided to have me walking into a classroom and sophie, lauren and emma throwing book's at me. Then for Sophie, lauren and emma talking about something in a corner. So for the start of our task, im walking down a corridor, then it cuts to emma saying ''shes coming!'' whilst running into the classroom. Then it cuts to me opening the door then it cuts to me walking in the classroom. Then at different angles it shows sophie, emma and lauren throwing various things at me. Then it focuses on sophie laughing. Then it cuts to me sitting by myself. This is all we could do as we lost some footage. But overall i found it turned out good.

Sunday 26 September 2010

First analysis of a movie - The Last Exorcism trailer.

Ok, so i am going to analise the first two minute's of The Last Exorcism's trailer. I am going to include what's happening in the shot's and what camera angle's they have used, and why.

First shot - tracking shot following a house that looks to be deserted. With a broken roof with the house practically falling apart. Makes you wonder why they want you to see that house if its in such bad condition.

Second shot - Point of veiw/ medium shot - of the main character standing outside then a fading shot of the man but without the window in the picture. Why is he standing outside?

Third shot - Serveral extreme close ups of writing in books and then to pictures that are from books. What do these words represent and what do the pictures mean?

Fourth shot - Medium shot of a man in a car with another car going past in the background. Why is their a car going past such a deserted place?

Fith shot - Point of veiw - you see the scene from the drivers point of veiw, looking at a man walking over to the car that your in. - flash to the other man at the back of the car then it flashes to the man throwing something at the back window, then it smashes. Why did he just smash the window of that mans car?

Sixth shot - Tracking - on a long caravan. What has a caravan got to do with the story?

Seventh shot - Point of veiw/ Two-shot - you are the man in the car driving up to a house. Then it changes to a medium shot of the main character walking up to a man. What does that man want? Why is he walking upto him?

Eighth shot - Long shot - a man sitting on his own in what looks to be a sitting/dining room. Who is he talking to, and why is he in that room.

Nineth shot - Two shot - Man sitting on a bed with a girl, then it fades to a shot leading them to be sitting down together. Makes you think who are they?

Tenth shot - Close up - of the girls face, crying. You wonder why she is crying when she was fine in the other shots.

Eleventh shot - Medium shot - girl laying on the floor from the waist up. Then it goes to a close up of her facial exspressions, then back out to a medium shot, then another close up of two people holding hands. Makes you wonder what is happening to her.

Twelth shot - Close up - of the girls face. What is happening to her?

Thirteenth shot - Medium shot - is of the girl panicking, then a quick medium shot of the man sitting above her. What is happening to her, why is she doing this?

Fourteenth shot - Medium shot - is of the girl having some kind of fit/attack. Why is this happening?

Fithteenth shot - Close up - of the man crying. Why is he crying?

Sixthteenth shot - Medium shot - is of the girl laying curled up on the floor. Point of veiw (hand held camera) going up to a caravan, then a quick shot of a cat. Why is she laying like that, she was just laying down on the floor?

Seventeenth shot - Over the shoulder - the girl is in the background with the man slowly walking towards her. Why is this shot so dark?

Eighteenth shot - Medium shot - their is many quick shots of the man and the girl that are flashing. What is this trying to tell you?

Nineteenth shot - Point of veiw - you are as the girl walking down a corridor looking at her feet.  Why is it suddenly on her?

Last shot - lots of quick shots of the girl and man.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Lesson three

In today's lesson we created scenes in groups of four. I was in a group with lauren, sophie and emma. We then had to take pictures of what we had created. First scene was an untidy classroom. What we did for this was put lots of ripped up paper on the desk and emptyed pencil cases on the desk so their was lots of pens and pencils everywere. Their was also some pencil sharpenings inside it which gave it a good effect. We also tilted the tables so they were uneven. We took this from a panning type of shot as this gets the full veiw of the people and the mess on the tables. We then gad to do a dentist waiting room which consisted of sophie sitting at a table and lauren standing infront of the table booking an appointment and in the background emma is Reading a magazine and that's all you can see in the picture. The second picture was a busy office. This was the only one I found difficult to do. The rest were easy. I found this difficult because we didn't really have much equiptment with us to give the full effect of a office. So what we did was had me and lauren writing inside folders and sophie on a laptop and phone. The picture was taken from a high angle shot. The last scene was a romantic meal. We presented this by having two people sitting opposite eachother with a folder as a menu and a flowerpot. Sophie also had mcdonalds salt so that worked well. We then anylyzed each picture that each group had taken. We then had another media lesson taken by a different teacher which we went over things that will be involved in our exam.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Lesson two

In today's lesson we went over more camera angles and had to take down notes of their definition. We then watched the first 7 minutes of Kidulthood to analyze the set, props, colours, lighting and costumes. We then analyzed each one of them in more detail.

Lesson one

In today's lesson we went over camera angles. We were also given sheets to help us set up our blog.