Sunday 26 September 2010

First analysis of a movie - The Last Exorcism trailer.

Ok, so i am going to analise the first two minute's of The Last Exorcism's trailer. I am going to include what's happening in the shot's and what camera angle's they have used, and why.

First shot - tracking shot following a house that looks to be deserted. With a broken roof with the house practically falling apart. Makes you wonder why they want you to see that house if its in such bad condition.

Second shot - Point of veiw/ medium shot - of the main character standing outside then a fading shot of the man but without the window in the picture. Why is he standing outside?

Third shot - Serveral extreme close ups of writing in books and then to pictures that are from books. What do these words represent and what do the pictures mean?

Fourth shot - Medium shot of a man in a car with another car going past in the background. Why is their a car going past such a deserted place?

Fith shot - Point of veiw - you see the scene from the drivers point of veiw, looking at a man walking over to the car that your in. - flash to the other man at the back of the car then it flashes to the man throwing something at the back window, then it smashes. Why did he just smash the window of that mans car?

Sixth shot - Tracking - on a long caravan. What has a caravan got to do with the story?

Seventh shot - Point of veiw/ Two-shot - you are the man in the car driving up to a house. Then it changes to a medium shot of the main character walking up to a man. What does that man want? Why is he walking upto him?

Eighth shot - Long shot - a man sitting on his own in what looks to be a sitting/dining room. Who is he talking to, and why is he in that room.

Nineth shot - Two shot - Man sitting on a bed with a girl, then it fades to a shot leading them to be sitting down together. Makes you think who are they?

Tenth shot - Close up - of the girls face, crying. You wonder why she is crying when she was fine in the other shots.

Eleventh shot - Medium shot - girl laying on the floor from the waist up. Then it goes to a close up of her facial exspressions, then back out to a medium shot, then another close up of two people holding hands. Makes you wonder what is happening to her.

Twelth shot - Close up - of the girls face. What is happening to her?

Thirteenth shot - Medium shot - is of the girl panicking, then a quick medium shot of the man sitting above her. What is happening to her, why is she doing this?

Fourteenth shot - Medium shot - is of the girl having some kind of fit/attack. Why is this happening?

Fithteenth shot - Close up - of the man crying. Why is he crying?

Sixthteenth shot - Medium shot - is of the girl laying curled up on the floor. Point of veiw (hand held camera) going up to a caravan, then a quick shot of a cat. Why is she laying like that, she was just laying down on the floor?

Seventeenth shot - Over the shoulder - the girl is in the background with the man slowly walking towards her. Why is this shot so dark?

Eighteenth shot - Medium shot - their is many quick shots of the man and the girl that are flashing. What is this trying to tell you?

Nineteenth shot - Point of veiw - you are as the girl walking down a corridor looking at her feet.  Why is it suddenly on her?

Last shot - lots of quick shots of the girl and man.

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