Wednesday 3 November 2010

Opening of Misery

I am going to anylyse the opening of Misery.

At the begining with no music, just the sound of a type writer. Then the main character reading what he has just typed up. Then the music starts, it starts of slow and quite and then when he lights a ciggarette, the music gets abit louder then stops. It then cuts to him getting snow of his car and throwing a snowball. This gets the veiwers confused as its not the normal opening to a horror. Its day time and day time isnt as scary as if it was night time. But then it goes to him driving the car and that's when the music plays. The music is very fast and cheery. But then the setting of having the only place in the middle of nowere, slightly change's it as noone else is around but him. The tention slightly builds when the snow is pouring down heavily and the car window is getting covered and it's slowly getting dark outside. Then his car suddenly goes of the edge of a cliff. Then the music stops and all you can hear is the sound of the snow blowing through the wind.

It then cuts to him sitting in an office with a women talking about 'misery'. This confuses you as youve just seen him go over the edge in a car. But then you no its a flash back as it cuts back to the car. Its slowly getting the story line out in parts. You then see someone rescuing him from the car. You immediatly no that something is wrong about it as he was in the middle of nowere and someone suddenly appears and gets him out of the car, puts the folder he had in their pocket and take him somewere. Now he is laying in a bed, and a women starts talking to him. It then goes onto an establishing shot of where he must be. It's like a small cottage. You no that their must be something wrong with this because their was no houses around. Their is slow quite music playing. This film is very slow into getting the story out but when it does unravell it get's really interesting.

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