Wednesday 3 November 2010

The Shining opening

I am going to analyse the opening minute's of The Shining

The first few seconds of it is really slow. The music that is being played at the begining is really slow to. This builds tentions as to what is going to happen next. The first few minute's it's just following a car. This really question's the reader as to why is it focusing on a car? Where is that car going? What is the relevance of it? When the camera is following the car it's tilted.And when it get's nearer to the car the camera goes back to being straight. When the title's start to roll, the music start's to get louder and more eary. It also changes at that point and then slowly get's back to the same music from the start. It then shows a hotel. the music change's to what sounds like women screaming. This builds more tention to why its focusing on the hotel.

It follows the main character round, and then cuts to a mother and her son talking about moving somewhere. Then back to the main character talking about him taking a job where is now. They then start to talk about the past. He says that a man came here with his wife and two children, and must have suffered some kind of mental breakdown and killed his family with an axe. This gives you the idea that something similar is going to happen to him. You no immediatly that he is still going to go ahead with staying their, even after hearing that. It cuts back to his family in their home and his son is talking to himself in the mirror, and has a flashback of blood pouring from lifts, and two twins, that youd take as the two children that were murdered by their dad. Then it's the son talking to a women as he must have passed out.

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