Tuesday 5 April 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

 In my preliminary task we decided to have a establishing shot of the classroom. But this only goes on for a split second so you cant really tell whats happening or where its being set. So i feel that if this shot went on for about 3 seconds it would have improved it.

So when i started using Adobe for our film opening i learnt to cut the right amount of footage so it didnt look jumpy or our of place. So this has helped me to improve continuity editing, so the finished results are perfect.

I also learned that even though we wanted to make it a horror in the style of The Blair Whitch Project, with that being filmed using a handheld camera it doesnt always give the best results as when using a handheld camera. I feel that we could have got a better image quality and better effect if we used a tripod for this panning shot. Simply becuase some of my face is missing and in a horror you want to be able to see every facial exspression for the best effect.

We have a match on action shot in the first few seconds of our film opening. 

I also used match on action in my preliminary task. When i go to open the door and then a shot when im walking in fron just opening the door.

In class we had learnt that we had included the 1880 degree rule, but we hadnt followed it properly because the whole point of our storyline is the fact that im being followed by someone i dont no so we gave the impression by breaking the rule by having the feet shot coming in the opposite direction would let people understand this. But im sure in the next film opening we would be sure to keep to the 180 degree rule.

This image again. In my final film opening i didnt have and establishing shot but i did in my preliminary task. This is because we had found out about a new range of camera angles that can express more information and knowlege of what is happening in that particular shot.

We used a variety of shots in our film opening. We used a high angle shot, that was acomplished by standing on a tree, we did this to show the vulnerabilitly of a young girl walking through a woods. Whereas in my preliminary task we used a low angle shot, to show how much power that particular character has over others. We used a lot of close up shots to show the facial expressions.

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