Friday 25 March 2011

Uploading the working titles

Today we managed to upload out working titles for the beginning of our film. We also uploaded music, which fits perfectly with our footage.

Another screenshot, but of our new footage

We also added our extra footage becuase of it being 'simple' and just wood based. We added hannah walking through the woods and cut it up into seperate clips so it looks more as f shes being stalked in the forest.

Screenshot with information about what happend in that lesson

In yesterdays lesson we decided to make all the images darker than what they are originally. We have done this becuase we want to create a darker atmosphere becuase of doing a horror.

Using Adobe we also added a black shot in between two cuts, to not only create tention as to what happens next we also did it because we are having trouble reaching the two minute mark.  We have also added titles/credits in the beginning. We have also taken out sound which we do not need. We were going to upload our wworking titles on that same day but unfortunatly it was in  the wrong format. We intend to add non-diagetic music to it before its complete.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Uploading footage

Today we uploaded the footage that we filmed yesterday. We will hopefully manage to edit and complete in tomorrow's lesson.

More filming

Today we filmed some more shots to add into our footage. Because of the lack of time we have left we decided to film at school. Luckily the filming of what we wanted didnt need to have anything in of our original location. We will upload it tomorrow as we didnt have time in today's lesson.

Change of plans on filming

18th March- we were planning on filming today but because of weather conditions we had to do it another day. We have decided on a day next week.

Editing footage

We finished editing our current footage. We have it down to 1 minute 42 seconds. We also darkened the image, to give it more of a spookey effect because of it being set in a woods. All we have left to do now is add music, titles and production company indent. But in our other media lesson we were shown previous film openings and realised that our's was similar to theirs and wernt realistic. So we have decided to re-film and get some more footage that outlines the storyline more. We plan to film on 18th March.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

more filming

In mr oswicks lesson we watched a few of last years final pieces, and saw that one of theirs sort of related to ours so it made us think that we should add more to ours and by that i mean more location shots and less of the woods, shots. So this friday which is, 18th march we are going to go back to were we filmed and shoot more idea's that we have.


Continuing from our last media lesson we have uploaded all footage and we are now half way through editing. We have cut alot of footage out and are now editing the rest together. We have edited the contrast of the footage. We have done this because our's is a horror and most horrors are quite dark. We feel that it looks really effective.

Monday 7 March 2011

Own film development

Obviously,  we are only filming the opening scene, the first two minutes, of our film. In the opening two minutes, it is a girl who is being stalked though the woods by someone that she cant see; this draws similarities to Scream except that the setting is in woodland and not a house.
If the film were to continue, it would show that six months earlier, a new family moved the the town and this is when the killings first started. The people of the town start thinking that it is the family to blame for the killings and a pattern emerges from the killings - birth dates.
The town gets so worked up from the happenings, that it decides to man hunt and kill anyone who they believe is associated with the murders. This is similar to the witch-hunt moral panic from the 15th century until the 18th century; when around 100,000 executions took place.
So, the family must prove their innocence but killed off one by one.
Some of the endings that we have considered are:
- The teenager finds all the clues and pieces it together; but it ends on a cliffhanger.
- The teenager finds all the clues and pieces it together and manages to kill who it really is.
- The teenager finds all the clues and pieces it together but dies anyway.

Filming Hidden

We filmed at our original location on friday 4th march. We decided to film the whole of our footage again. We ended up getting about 6 minutes worth of footage. Due to the time of the afternoon, there were several cars continuing to pass during filming so it took a few takes and different shots to make sure they were not in our final footage. We tried to use as many different types of shots for some parts such as establishing shot, panning, tracking, close ups etc. We have deviated from the storyboard a little due to comunications with arranging the shots we had initially decided on.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

'behind the scenes' filming shots...

Second location shots

More props.

Headphones - used when actor is walking into woods.

Plank of wood - used to hit the actor over the head.

Camera angles.

Camera Shots & Angles
Establishing Shot - Sets up the scene, a wide shot to display surroundings.
Master Shot - Shows overall shot of the location and all of the actors involved in the scene.
Close-Up - Shows the person or an object, most common is a close-up of actors faces.
Mid Shot - Shot from a medium distance.
Long Shot - Shows a character or setting in the distance.
Wide Shot - A shot that puts characters into a location.
Two Shot - The frame includes a view of two people; they do not have to be next to each other.
Aerial Shot - View large landscape, often a camera is attached to a crane or shot taken from a helicopter.
Point of View Shot - Shot that shows what the character sees from their point of view.
Over the Shoulder Shot - Shot of someone or something taken over the shoulder over another.

High Angle - Shot taken from above the characters or object.
Low Angle - A shot taken from below the characters or object.
Canted Angle - Often used to portray the psychological unease or tension in

Change of plan on footage

We originally planned to film over half term but because of technical difficulties, we lost our footage. So what me and Hannah have decided to do is start filming during school time. So on Monday we started filming at school. So because of filming at school we cant use the original location we were planning on using. But we did manage to film about 5 minutes of footage at the woodlands at the back of our school. I also had to be the person that is going to be acting in the film, because of filming in school time. Hannah will be recording. We should also be filming in the original woodlands but that's going to be a small part of the filming. We also took location shots and 'backstage' shots of the school woods.